The first was TypoBerlin; incidentally also Rob’s first conference presentation ever. Beginner’s luck on his side, his talk entitled “I ♥ India (and Why You Should Too)” went well with an engaged audience and a good deal of positive feedback afterwards. Rob went into the presentation with the goal of not being voted “Least Favorite Speaker” in Typo’s annual post conference survey. We’re happy to report that not only did he not receive a single vote as “Least Favorite” but he tied for 14th best talk (out of more than 60 presentations)(and tied with with Erik Spiekermann and Rich Roat). So thank you to those who enjoyed the talk and voted for Rob!
Next up was the 4th installation of the ICTVC (International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication) in Nicosia, Cyprus. There, Rob gave a very quick, 30 minute history of type technology. The focus was on how different tools and techniques affected type design and typesetting.
Two days later was the inaugural TypeTalks symposium in Brno, Czech Republic. This wonderfully organized one day event was jam-packed with great presentations by Florian Hardwig, Michael Hochleitner, Tomáš Brousil, Dan Reynolds, Dan Rhatigan, Veronika Burian. Rob gave a similar talk as his from Cyprus; a look at some major type technologies and their lasting impact on type design. Seriously, this symposium was one of the nicest events we’ve attended; and it was certainly the cheapest (only €15 for the day including drinks and snacks!). You must attend the next if at all possible.
Thank you to all the organizers for the invitations to present! Hope to join you again next time!