
Over the years we have amassed a rather large collection of books and type specimens. These are valuable as inspiration, academic research, and to help preserve type history and ephemera.

We are happy to invite both research scholars and anyone looking for typographic inspiration to come visit and use our private collection. If you are interested in coming by our Berlin studio, just send us an email to arrange a time – visits are by appointment only.

We are currently working to catalog all of the books and specimens in our collection, and we will publish the entire list here online so you see what is available. Until then, if you are looking for anything specific just DM or email us :)

Our library is arranged by the broad themes of: Historical, Inspirational, Monographs, Educational/How-to, Indian Scripts, Non-Latin Scripts, Hand-painted Signs, Posters, Packaging, Typographic Art, Graphic Design, Type Specimens, Technical Manuals, Languages, Magazines, and Writing Primers.